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Media queries

@use "@glsass/tools/" as *;


Since v1.0.0

The mixin can be used to write responsive rules inside any selector.

@include mq($size: md, $max: false);

a {
color: blue;

@include mq(xl) {
color: red;

// CSS
a {
color: blue;

@media (min-width: 1400px) {
a {
color: red;


Since v1.0.0

This mixin is an alternative of the mixin by setting the $max variable automatically at true.

@include mq-max($size: md);

a {
color: green;

@include mq-max(xl) {
color: yellow;

// CSS
a {
color: green;

@media (max-width: 1399px) {
a {
color: yellow;