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Since v1.0.0

Remimder: Graphics files contains many variables, similar to settings.


Why Graphics variables are'nt forwarded from Settings?

Since the files contains variables depending of the others settings and some functions from tools, it cannot be set with functions that don't exist yet.

You cannot use the function from the built-in modules of Sass, because the function is executed at the call, not when the variable are set (it will result as an error).

// If every settings were forwaded from the same place, it will result to have
// a variable with a string value equal to `cv(black)`, not the color `#000`
@use "@glsass/settings" with (
$g-color-black: #111,
$ui-form-background-color: cv(black), // × wrong, will equal to `cv(black)`

// The variables overriding must be done in two times
@use "@glsass/settings" with ($g-color-black: #111);
@use "@glsass/tools/" as *;
@use "@glsass/graphics" with(
$ui-form-background-color: cv(black), // ✓ correct, will equal to `#111`

// Alternative setups
@use "@glsass/settings" with ($g-color-black: #111) as *; // avoid namespace
@use "@glsass/graphics" with(
$ui-form-background-color: $g-color-black, // ✓ aslo correct!

Inside the codebase, graphics variable use the ui prefix to simplify the namespace.