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More about it

The actual code is inspired by multiple concepts and based from experience of real projects. The main goal is to offer a clear naming and optimized structure convention to facilitate working in a team of several developers.


The naming convention respects main concepts from the BEM (Block-Element-Modifier) methodology.

It uses some generics conventions like __ --separtors to identify elements and modifiers.


ITCSS is another convention from CSS Wizardry to help organize CSS files and code applying a architecure that determine the specificity of each "object". The framework is actually thought with this methodology, but it also takes some liberties to optimize it and adapt it to other constraints.

More details about the architecture used is explained on the exitCSS page.


CSS-Tricks is at the origin of this acronym which resume well what is used in Glsass.
The original post can be found here.

This CSS strategy stands for:

Harry Roberts, Chris Pearce and others

Other awesome concepts are applied in the framework, based on works of Harry Roberts (CSS Wizardry, ITCSS) or Chris Pearce (CSS Guidelines). As non-exhaustive examples :

  • Namespace naming (class, SASS variables, etc.)
  • States hooks
  • Size factors (flush, tiny, small, medium, large, huge)

And other concepts are inspired by famous frameworks, like Bootstrap (specially the utilities generator), Spectre.css, Tachyons or Tailwind.