By adding the .h-stretched-link
class to a link, it make the "block"
clickable via a pseudo-element.
To acheive it, the pseudo-element is stretched to recover the nearest parent
with position: relative
For the next example, the Card component already have a position set by default,
but if it's not the case, you can add the .u-pos-r
utility class.
Card title
Add some text inside the card.
ok more text here.
ok more text here.
<div class="c-card"><!-- the .u-pos-r is not required with the card component -->
<div class="c-card__img">
<img src="img/lake-1.jpg" alt="Photo by Adam Vradenburg on Unsplash">
<div class="c-card__header">
<div class="c-card__title u-h5 u-mb-0">Card title</div>
<div class="c-card__body">
<span>Add some text inside the card.<br>ok more text here.</span>
<div class="c-card__footer">
<a class="c-button c-button--primary h-stretched-link" href="#">Link</a>