Glsass isn't available throught a CDN or a glsass.css
file because it designed
to be a Sass Framework.
The framework is available trought a NPM package.
npm install @glsass/framework
Sass version
Dart Sass > 1.23.0 | LibSass ✗ | Ruby Sass ✗
In October 2019, Sass introducted the Module System to replace the "old"
rule. But it's only available with the Dart Sass, since the v1.23.0
so you will have issues if you are an user of LibSass or Ruby Sass.
Since the framework use the new syntax with the @use
and @forward
rules, you
must be sure to use the good version of the Sass library.
Build options
To make differents examples working well, you may need to add a special option
in your sassOptions
- Webpack (sass-loader)
- Gulp (gulp-sass)
- VanillaJS / Node.js
module.export = {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.s[ca]ss$/,
use: [
loader: 'sass-loader',
options: {
sassOptions: {
includePaths: ['./node_modules'],
export const styles = ()
includePaths: ['./node_modules'],
file: 'style.scss',
includePaths: ['./node_modules'],
Because the framework need the Dart version of Sass, you cannot use the
This solution will avoid you to write complexe path from node_modules
when you
want to import a Glsass file, like:
@use ../../node_modules/@glsass/tools/;
Quick start
It's not necessary to follow the exitCSS convention, but it's greatly recommanded to follow the standard of the framework.
Your main index.scss
may look like this:
@charset "UTF-8";
// SETTINGS - Modify settings to make you the framework own
@use "@glsass/settings" with (
// This is the only required variable!
$g-color-primary: #0066d7,
// Add here your own settings, for example
$g-color-secondary: #805ad5,
$g-fonts-google: "Raleway:400,400i,700",
$g-font-family-map: "Raleway",
// TOOLS - Don't import it, unless you need it later for configure next modules
@use "@glsass/tools/" as *; // Import functions/mixins without namespaces
// GRAPHICS - Not required, but allow to change UI variables
@use "@glsass/graphics" with (
$ui-border-color: cv(gray, 500)
// GENERICS - Don't change the order for generic modules
@forward "@glsass/generics/generics.reset";
@forward "@glsass/generics/generics.fonts";
@forward "@glsass/generics/generics.shared";
// Create this file if you need another (S)CSS library
// @forward "vendors";
@forward "@glsass/elements/elements.headings";
@forward "@glsass/elements/elements.images";
@forward "@glsass/elements/elements.lists";
@forward "@glsass/elements/elements.links";
@forward "@glsass/elements/";
@forward "@glsass/elements/elements.tables";
@forward "@glsass/objects/objects.divider";
@forward "@glsass/objects/objects.layout";
@forward "@glsass/objects/";
@forward "@glsass/objects/objects.list-bare";
@forward "@glsass/objects/objects.list-inline";
@forward "@glsass/objects/";
@forward "@glsass/objects/objects.overlay";
@forward "@glsass/objects/objects.table";
// Add here the component you need from Glsass, and then you own
@forward "@glsass/components/components.accordion";
@forward "@glsass/components/components.alert";
@forward "@glsass/components/components.badge";
// You can also pass settings for each component
@forward "@glsass/components/components.button" with (
$c-button-round-default: false,
@forward "@glsass/components/components.callout";
@forward "@glsass/components/components.card";
@forward "@glsass/components/components.form";
@forward "@glsass/components/components.navbar";
// Custom components as example
@forward "components/components.logo";
@forward "components/components.footer";
@forward "@glsass/utilities/utilities.clearfix";
@forward "@glsass/utilities/utilities.links";
@forward "@glsass/utilities/utilities.vhd";
@forward "@glsass/utilities/utilities.borders";
@forward "@glsass/utilities/utilities.colors";
@forward "@glsass/utilities/utilities.columns"; //! This file is required by the Grid system
@forward "@glsass/utilities/utilities.displays";
@forward "@glsass/utilities/utilities.flex";
@forward "@glsass/utilities/utilities.float";
@forward "@glsass/utilities/utilities.headings";
@forward "@glsass/utilities/utilities.overflow";
@forward "@glsass/utilities/utilities.sizings";
@forward "@glsass/utilities/utilities.spacings";
@forward "@glsass/utilities/utilities.texts";
@forward "@glsass/utilities/utilities.print"; // Must keep it as last
// WARNING: This file must only be used for testing
// It used "debug" classes from the <body> element
// Must be removed or set to false for a production build!
@forward "@glsass/utilities/utilities.debug" with (
// The $u-debug variable must be set at `true` as a security
$u-debug: true,
For the "generic", "elements" and "objects" parts, you can directly forward the folder because an index file is present.
@forward "@glsass/generic";
@forward "@glsass/elements";
@forward "@glsass/objects";
If there is no risk for the "generic" and "elements" part, be careful if you use it for the "objects". When the folder is listed, it will import all the SCSS code, even if you don't need or use it. It's why you cannot import the "components" or "utilities" folder, to avoid useless css in your future file.
Minimal setups
For minimal needs, you may have a smaller index.scss
file, for exemple, if you
just need the Grid system:
@charset "UTF-8";
@forward "@glsass/settings" with (
// Required variable, but set it at any color if you don't need it
$g-color-primary: #fff,
@forward "@glsass/objects/objects.layout";
@forward "@glsass/utilities/utilities.columns";
// Add your own code next
@forward "my-custom-component";
@forward "another-component";
If you just want to use the button
component, it will be that simple.
@charset 'UTF-8';
@forward "@glsass/settings" with (
$g-color-primary: #0d6efd // Bootstrap main color
@forward "@glsass/components/components.button" with (
$c-button-classname: 'btn' // Bootstrap button class name
.btn {
/* ... */
.btn--primary {
color: #fff;
background-color: #0d6efd;
border-color: #0d6efd;
/* ... */
<button type="button" class="btn btn--primary">Primary</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn--success">Success</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn--danger">Danger</button>