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Version: 1.1.x


Since v1.0.0

The icons file contains the SVG code needed in the framework. It's mainly used for the from components (checkbox, radio, select, validation states), but it can be extended to use it in your own code

@use "@glsass/settings/settings.icons" with (
$g-icons-database: (
times: (
default: (
"<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 16 16'><path fill='fill-1' fill-rule='nonzero' d='M14.76 13.341a1.003 1.003 0 01-1.419 1.418L7.81 9.23a.392.392 0 00-.283-.118.392.392 0 00-.283.119l-5.531 5.53A1.003 1.003 0 01.295 13.34l5.53-5.531a.396.396 0 000-.566L.294 1.713A.995.995 0 010 0 0 011.003 0c.269 0 . 5.53c. 0L13.34.294a.995.995 0 01.71-.295 1.003 1.003 0 01.708 1.713L9.23 7.244a.396.396 0 000 .566l5.53 5.531z'/></svg>",
options: (
fill-1: cv(white),

The $g-icons-database need a map with some default configurations to work with the internal API and to be available use through the iv() helper function.

// @param {String} name - the name of your icon, will be available with `iv('name')`
// @param {String} state - the first state must be set at `default`, but you can add
// more and be called with `iv('name', 'custom')`
// @param {String} options - allow to add at compilation some data in the SVG, for update
// easily some colors in the icons, or change it depeding of the state
$g-icons-database: (
[name]: (
[state]: (
"<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 42 42'>\
<path fill='[override-1]' d='...'/>\
options: (
[override-1]: [override-1-value],

// Exemple with the `helper` icon in the source code
$g-icon-helper: (
default: (
"<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 512 512'>\
<circle cx='256' cy='256' r='225' fill='fill-1' stroke='stroke-1' stroke-width='43' stroke-miterlimit='10'/>\
<circle fill='fill-2' cx='256' cy='368' r='42'/>\
<path fill='fill-2' d='...'/>\
options: (
fill-1: none,
stroke-1: cv(primary),
fill-2: cv(primary),
hover: (
"<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 512 512'>\
<circle cx='256' cy='256' r='225' fill='fill-1' stroke='stroke-1' stroke-width='43' stroke-miterlimit='10'/>\
<circle fill='fill-2' cx='256' cy='368' r='42'/>\
<path fill='fill-2' d='...'/>\
options: (
fill-1: cv(primary),
stroke-1: cv(primary),
fill-2: cv(white),
$g-icons-database: (helper: $g-icon-helper);

The options map allow to replace custom string from the inital SVG string to a "dynamic" value.
It can be usefull to use the same icon, but with different colors depeding on a specific state (hover, focus, etc.).


Main icons are actually used inside form components (select, checkbox, feedback text, etc.).


Valid / Invalid


Checkbox / Radio