Glsass v1 is launched!
After a previous alpha started at the 2020 automn, this new year is time to make production ready the framework.
What's Glsass?โ
Glsass is a Sass framework built on top of Sass Modules and following the exitCSS pattern. You may see it as a Bootstrap like, but focused for Sass development.
It means there is no compiled CSS, archive downloadable, or CDN: Glsass is only
avaible as scss
Sass Modulesโ
Released in late 2019, Sass launched its
module system, to
replace the old @import
and @forward
rules must replace all @import
declarations, with
namespaced notion and other scope features.
One year after it launch, it didn't become the default settings or really famous, but the old module system will be depreacted around the 1st October 2021!
Popular framework have pull request for migrated to the new system, but the change isn't fast because it brings also some limitations or code organization.
But there's no problem with Glsass, because from the start, the framework is thinking to work only with the new module system. It's why it need to use the Dart Sass package (LibSass, which is used for node-sass is now deprecated!).
Since the Sass team is only focus on Dart Sass (bye LibSass and Ruby Sass), the adoption of the new system must be a requirement for any front-end developer.
SMACSS, OOCSS, BEM... CSS architecture and convention exist for a decade and other best pratices continue to arrive and they are changing the way we code CSS.
ITCSS was one of the "recent" architecture, mainly focused about the way your organize your code, more than "how" to code. BEMIT (BEM + ITCSS) is one of its variant, to define directive to organize folders, files and code (syntax, class naming, etc.)
exitCSS, for EXtended ITCSS, is also an evolution of the ITCSS methodology. More information about the convention is available inside the documentation.
What's next?โ
The v1.1.0 is under active developpment to brings new features and components:
- New tools to manage color contrast, respecting the WCAG standard
- New components (switch and range inputs, breadcrumb, pagination, tooltip)
- New utilities (elevation)
Others features are also under consideration like dropdown, but since the framework is JS-free, it ask to make the best choice to add enough customization, accessibility and simplicity. Glsass only support modern browser, so this kind of component can be entirely made with HTML/CSS (like details/summary elements). But the markup must be explicit and possibly expandable (like the accordion component).